Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Welcome To My World

Hey everyone and welcome to my very own blog. I will still be posting on the senior blog at, however, I have also decided to start my own blog. For those of you who don't know me, I am Jenna Myrick. Check out my profile for further information.

Now for the good stuff...
Calyn and I went to visit Sarah at Auburn this past weekend. This is part of the reason why I wanted to start my own blog, because that way when I'm no longer a high school senior, I can still have this sort of journal to look back on. Anyways, I have three words to describe the trip there: dark, scary, and long. It was like pitch black and Calyn's brights don't work and they were doing construction on the roads so roads would like randomly end and there would be this blockade that looked like you were about to run right into it. It was really scary. Also, there was only one gas station within 100 miles: not good. We were going to work on writing some dramas while we were driving but that just didn't happen, instead we had a Michael W. Smith marathon and sang our lungs out to all of the good ol' songs (I pwedge awiegence to da fwag of da United States of Amewica). The drive seemed like it took forever, but after four long hours, we were finally there.
That night, Sarah introduced us to some of the girls in the dorm and then we watched Moulin Rouge. By the time we got to bed it was like 3 or 4 in the morning. The next day we didn't wake up until like 10:30 or 11 and there was ice all over the place. It was freezing and wet all day but the ice all over everything was really cool. Sarah showed us where she works and then we went to Momma Goldberg's Deli for lunch. We spent a long time there having tons of fun with the frames on Sarah's camera phone (let's just say that the painting American Gothic will never look the same...). We went shopping for a little while and then met up with some of Sarah's friends at the Auburn vs. Tennessee basketball game. Auburn won by three points and we had so much fun. Andy caught this little basketball that the cheerleaders were throwing into the crowd even though it was headed straight toward me. Then he tried to throw it into the one of the tubas in the band but he missed...twice. He did hit the guy though. After the game we went to Tay-co Bell for dinner and then to Jesse's house to watch The Count of Monte Cristo, which is a really good movie by the way.
At about midnight, Sarah, Calyn, Andy, and I went to Andy's apartment to hang out for a while. On the way we got some very disappointingly-sized McFlurrys, I always thought that there was only one size, and if they charged us two bucks for that one then the larges must be outrageously expensive. Anyways, we ended up playing Stratego and watching Remember the Titans until like 2 and then we went back to the dorm to try to get a decent amount of sleep.
Calyn and I had to leave at 9:30 the next morning so we could be back in time for drama. The ride home was still really long, but much more enjoyable. We wrote a skit and drove straight through to Tally.
Overall, it was a great weekend. I got to see Sarah (I miss you!) and take my first real road trip (without my family or the youth group).
Okay, well, I must be off to bed now. Hopefully I can get enough sleep because I have been really tired lately. Not that staying up until 11:30 working on my blog is helping the cause any...


Blogger Calyn said...

I pwedge awiegence to da fwag of da United States of Amewica. YEA...YEAH, oops I missed it. :0)

February 02, 2005 10:32 PM

Blogger Jenshka said...

Thanks for making me laugh till I cry, Calyn. I LOVE YOU!
And Christina, I'm glad I'm your favorite. You're my favorite too. I LOVE YOU (too)!

February 03, 2005 10:33 PM


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