Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

If I Only Had a Camera

Oh gosh I wish my camera was working. We had such an interesting array of "costumes" goin' on last night. If you've read Calyn's blog then you know that I had a little impromptu Halloween party last night that resulted in some trick-or-treating by some pretty old kids (also known as me, Calyn, Shannon, Lerah, Diane, and Daniel). It was sooooo funny. We pulled out these Mardi Gras masks that my mom got when she went to New Orleans a few years ago and some other random costume pieces and threw some costumes together so we could get candy. Daniel had on this white wig and a mask and some little kid asked "Mom, is that a giraffe or a cobra?" We were laughing pretty hard about that one. Then Diane had on this Elvis mask that Daniel bought and Chris' cape from his Batman costume and she would randomly stop and pose and sing that one song, you know, da-duh-da...da-duh-da, okay maybe you don't know, but ask me later. It was really funny though, she made a great Elvis. Then we ended up singing Happy Birthday to all the people at the houses we stopped at (for funny stories visit Calyn's blog) and we just had a bunch of fun. Then we went back to my house for some old-school Nintendo playing (Donkey Kong is the best game ever!) and a bonfire and s'mores. "But how can I have some more if I haven't had any yet?" "You're killin' me, Smalls!" Haha, great movie, great quote. Anyways, that was my Halloween. I was gonna write about it last night, but I was so tired and I just couldn't muster up the energy. Well, I hope everyone had a great Halloween with lots of treats and not many tricks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what !We’ll definitely let ya wear our stinkin’ awesome glasses if you,Jeshka…come to Ukraine!how are you doin’ by the way?Are you studying,huh?Where?

November 02, 2005 9:50 AM

Blogger Aaron B said...

quoting from "The Sandlot"....very interesting Jenna.....

November 02, 2005 1:15 PM

Blogger Tamara said...

I miss you Jen. Smile for me :)

November 02, 2005 2:34 PM


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