Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


My internet is working for the first time since last Thursday so I haven't been able to post. Well, that and I went out of town for 3 days. So let me catch everyone up. Chris got 2 more fish so that P. Sherman could have friends and he named them 42 Wallaby Way and Sydney. Except now P. Sherman is dead, so that's sad. Sarah and I went to Chick-Fil-A and took fun pictures:

On Friday my family and I left for my grandma's house to celebrate Christmas with our extended family in Leesburg:

My cousin, Bryce

Kate and Bryce

Brandon got his hair highlighted

Brandon and Aunt Lona both got their hair done

My Aunt Krista, the hairdresser, blowing Brandon's hair dry

Me and Brycey

We got home Sunday night and went to Taco Bell to hang out and get dinner. Then we were going to ummm...clean up some old Christmas trees, but the weather wasn't good, so we watched some Cheers at Calyn's and then went to our house and played this awesome "Shout About Music" game. Calyn, Brandon and James won against me and Chris, only because we bet it all in the last round. It was way fun though. Then we watched Moulin Rouge (I LOVE THAT MOVIE!) and then I spent the night with Calyn. My dad and I were supposed to go car shopping today, but the weather was bad and Dad was doing other stuff, so we're gonna go on Wednesday instead. So, we all helped my mom take down Christmas decorations instead. Oh, and Calyn and I took awesome pictures with
hats so you should go to Calyn's blog to check them out because I don't feel like posting all of them because she already did. Well, I should go to bed now because although I don't start back to school tomorrow, Canopy Oaks does, and that means I have to go to work.

Quote o' the day:
"This is just so sentimental to me...let me just tell you about this piece of tissue paper." -Lisa Myrick
Poor Mom, although I am very proud of her for getting rid of all of the stuff that she did and allowing us to condense so much.


Blogger Calyn said...

I can't believe he's dead! I mean, what's this world coming to? He looked just fine, yesterday. :0(

January 03, 2006 12:37 PM

Blogger James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Paul.... you have a lot to learn my young padawan.. anything can be sentimental, if it is conected to an important event in ones life...
i.e. tissue paper

(no worries. i got your back mrs.lisa)

January 04, 2006 4:35 PM

Blogger James Morrow, Secretary General of United Nations said...

Ok. my facebook STILL wont let me login, Jenna!! iyts so stupid cause we were just on it last night! :( lol

January 05, 2006 3:33 PM


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