Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Monday, June 13, 2005

One Down, Four to Go

Today was the first day of Club VBS Beach Blast. Just four more to go. Actually, like three and a water day. It went surprisingly well, for my group at least. I am a line leader for third grade and they are the best group I've ever had at a VBS. They actually listen and they're not too hyped up (except at recreation, but it's okay there). Mr Jim, I think that it's a little more organized than last year. They made some changes and I'm pretty sure that they were all for the better.
I was pretty tired today because me and Brandon stayed up until 2 am talking last night. At like 11:15 he started explaining some stuff about Star Wars to me because we went to see Episode III last night and I haven't seen all of Episode II and what I have seen wasn't in English (we watched it in Spanish class, so it was in Spanish). After he was done explaining that, we just kept talking. At first I was like "Brandon, it's midnight. We really need to go to bed." which turned into "Brandon, it's 1:00. We really need to go to bed." until finally I said "Brandon, it's 2 in the morning. Get out of my room before we start talking again." I'm really glad we got to hang out and all, but I was pretty tired because I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep these past few days. But, I took a nap today and I'm feeling better. Okay, dinner's here, so I gotta go.


Blogger Jim said...

Glad to hear that things are going smoothly at VBS. It must be because Lucy and I did 2nd grade last year and trained them well. :)

I will see for myself this morning since Cheri has asked me to prepare a video for Thursday night's graduation ceremony.

Speaking of videos, I should finish all the Bike Trip DVDs today (54 - 18 sets of 3) and be ready to hand them out on Wednesday evening for those at WOW.

June 14, 2005 7:40 AM


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