Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


Today I feel: (In the words of Strong Bad via Teen Girl Squad:) Mondayed!
By the way, if you've never seen Teen Girl Squad (or any of, you are really missing out. Check it out: I think my favorite ones are numbers 6 and 7.

Ugghh. Today was definitely a Monday. I am so tired. You would think that after having the whole weekend to rest up (yeah right) I would be fine, but I am so tired. School just went so slow and I could hardly stay awake in my classes. Not a good thing. Guys, sleep is your friend.
One good thing did happen today. My dad found out that he got the job at UCP (United Cerebral Palsy). I was so excited for him. Praise the Lord! This will definitely help us, him with a steady job that he gets paid on salary and not commission.
Kelley and I went shopping to find some clothes for the football banquet tomorrow (sorry PCBS people, I can't come tomorrow. Sad day, especially since we are finishing Stephen...). But neither of us found anything. I already have something that I can wear, but I just thought that it would be fun to find something new.
I'm glad the weather is warming up a bit. I always love when it first starts to get cold, but now that it has been cold for so long, I love when it gets to about 60 or 70 degrees outside and it's sunny. It's so pretty. Like at lunch today, after I got done eating I just laid in the grass and soaked up the sun until the bell rang (I hate that bell!)
Okay well, I must be off to actually get to sleep at a decent hour. Ciao.

Hey Calyn,
Quote o' the day: "The peach is the realist." -Jenna


Blogger Jenshka said...

Sorry Calyn, actual pink looked really bad and you could hardly read it, even worse than the yellow. So, this is as close as I could get to pink. :-)

February 07, 2005 10:00 PM

Blogger Calyn said...

That's quite alright, Jenshka. We'll just save pink for another day. My realist peach appreciated the comment. He enjoys reading your blog. It's very...real...ish.

February 07, 2005 10:30 PM


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