Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I'm a Slacker

You know, for having nothing to do, I sure have done a lot lately. I'm sorry that I've been a slacker on my blogging lately. I've been doing a lot and every time I think about blogging it's like really late (like right now, but I finally gave in) or I still have stuff to do. So, Ian and Paul, this is for you.
Not much to tell as of late. I've just been keeping myself busy. I finished off VBS nicely last week. Went swimming at Paul's house, got attacked by Paul, Jake, and Daniel (3 on 1 = not fair!) and unintentionally made Jill my "buddy." Friday we played on the water slide things that were really cool and then I was exhausted but I babysat that night. I watched the bike trip DVDs and they were awesome, of course. Saturday I went to Aaron's party and went swimming. Sunday was Father's Day and we got my dad really good presents, so that was exciting. Then I spent the night with Callie until Monday. Monday night was her birthday party, so we planned and cooked and got stuff ready. Her party was really fun, we did a video scavenger hunt and I locked us out of the van, so we were stranded at a gas station for 45 minutes (ahhh...good times!). Tuesday I picked Callie and Rhian up and they came over for a while. I took them to gymnastics and after that Callie spent the night. And today Callie and I tried to make outfits for our pigs stuffed animals (we got bored) but half-way through the sewing machine messed up and we couldn't figure out how to fix it. Then tonight I went to church and Ian and Paul said I should blog, so here I am. Wow! That was a lot.
So, as you can see, I've had a lot to do. I think that serves as an excuse for why I haven't blogged in a while. Tomorrow I start house-sitting for the Schaeffers while they're on vacation, so that means I get a huge house with lots of food and a trampoline all to myself. Party anyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Ian has room to comment on anyone's blog!

June 23, 2005 12:30 PM

Blogger Jenshka said...

I got us locked out of the car because we were all excited and rushing to get done with the scavenger hunt first, so I had my keys in my hand, but I must have put them down when I was getting the camera, because they were sitting on the floor of my van. It was so sad because I could see them through the window, so I just stared at them loningly.

June 23, 2005 11:29 PM

Blogger Jenshka said...

And yes, Paul, I am a woman. Congratulations on figuring that out.

June 23, 2005 11:30 PM


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