Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Carli and Trisha, I love you guys soooo much!
Listen (you have to say it like Jake), Carli and Trisha got to come to Tallahassee yesterday and today and we had so much fun! Carli got in around 4 on Saturday, so Calyn and I took her to Wakulla Springs and she jumped off the high dive. I'm so proud, Carli! Around 7 we left and picked up Trisha and went to Applebee's for dinner. We shared pictures and stories and laughed like crazy. As if we weren't already loud enough by ourselves, we called Jake and Skeef and put them on speaker phone and talked to them for a while. The whole restaurant probably thought we were crazy. Carli said "We're being the loud Americans again, but we're in America, so it's okay."
Then we went to Calyn's house and looked at a TON of pictures that were amazing (especially the ones from Jake and Josh). We reminisced about camp and, again, laughed a lot. We called Jake again and did an interview with him for
Calyn's blog and it was hilarious. We even got to call Lori and talk to her. I miss you Lori! We finally went to sleep about 3ish and we had to get up at 7:15 so we could go talk to Sunday school classes about raising money for Lori at 8:15. Carli had to leave in the morning, :-( but Trisha came with us to church and got to meet everyone and go around to classes with us. We left after we were done talking to the 11:00 classes and went to Calyn's for lunch. We got to talk to Tanya and Zhenya (the twins) on ICQ for a little while and then after lunch we took a 3 hour nap because we were all so tired. Trisha came with us to youth, but she had to leave halfway through, so we went up on the hill and did the camp dance before she left. It's so weird, because I feel like I've known Trisha for as long as anyone else from Radooga, I forget I just met her. But as we said, we know each other now and that's all that matters.
"Why are Trisha and Carli so kick butt? Is it because they are such awesome people? Yeah, you know it." Oh my gosh, I love you guys!
So, the only problem is now they are both gone and I am sad because talking about everybody and everything from Radooga just makes me miss it that much more. At the time we were talking and laughing, it was great and it made me feel better, but now, not so much. So yeah, I'm listening to the camp dance song right now (Cbobodniy Palyot!) and I'm about to cry. Not really, but I am really sad.
Well, I should go to bed, because I have FSU orientation tomorrow (12 hours at FSU) and Tuesday (another 5 or 6 hours) and I have to get up pretty early.
I miss Ukraine, I miss Radooga, and I miss Carlitchka and Trishka!


Blogger Calyn said...

What the heck is with all of your spam?? I think Ian gave us this. Gosh, Ian. Quote o' the day: "I'm Trisha Conner! I'm awesome!"

August 22, 2005 12:53 AM

Blogger Jenshka said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's all Ian's fault. I'll just delete all the spam comments though.

August 22, 2005 8:42 PM

Blogger Jenshka said...

Looks like I'm gonna have to start not allowing anonymous comments...stupid spam.

August 22, 2005 8:44 PM


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