Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

How Chuck E. Cheese Makes Their Money

We went to Chuck E. Cheese today. Our company that's in from Boynton includes a six-year-old and a three-year-old, and after we found out that all of the lanes at the bowling alley were taken and Fun Station was way packed, we went to Chuck E. Cheese. So I had fun and my mom gave us some tokens and I put $5 of my own money in for tokens, and we got some free ones for buying food and stuff. Anyway, all together I used about 8 bucks worth of tokens. Well, I go up to the prize counter and I had 215 tickets, so I get one of those spiral lollipops, you know, like this: except mine is a little longer, for 200 tickets and a flimsy, plastic, blue star bracelet for 15 tickets. Well as I'm waiting for Noah (the three-year-old) to decide whether he wants a toy car or a puzzle, I see that you could also purchase the lollipop that I got for $1.99, instead of using tickets. So basically, I spent $8 (well actually only 5 of it actually came from my pocket, but you get the idea) to get a lollipop that I could have had for 2. Oh well, I had fun, right?
I just came back from seeing Bewitched with Daniel and his roommate, Camp. It was a good movie and it was cool getting to meet Camp. He seems like a really nice guy. He didn't talk a whole lot, but that probably has to do with the fact that Daniel and I tend to dominate conversation and he was really tired. But he did talk enough for me to know that he's a cool guy.
So, I'm still house-sitting, but today wasn't as easy as yesterday. Christina spent the night last night, and it was a rough night, with Pepper pouncing on me at some crazy hour of the morning and then at 6:30 Christina going "Jenna, the cat peed in the bed." I was just like "You have got to be kidding me." So we stripped the sheets and everything and I threw them in the washer and went back to bed, in a different bed, of course. Well, when I woke up several hours later, I found the sheets still sitting soaking in the washer. Turns out their washer doesn't work so well and I had to have my dad come over to help me get it working. I'm still trying to figure out how to clean the comforter, so it's been pretty frustrating. Besides, the only reason the cat peed on the bed is because he's scared of me or something and everytime he's by the door to go outside and I come to open it for him, he runs and hides under a bed somewhere. So, it's been an interesting day, full of annoying cats, a big mouse character, and meeting someone new. But now, I'm off to clean that comforter...oh joy!


Blogger Jenshka said...

Wow, you're quick.

June 25, 2005 11:55 PM

Blogger Jim said...

hmmmmm...yea, I can see you and daniel dominating a conversation. :)

I didn't laugh too hard reading the story about the cat.

June 26, 2005 6:44 AM

Blogger Jenshka said...

Sorry, Paul, I know I've been slacking.
And Jake, why the heck do you have a xanga but you won't keep a blog? Whatever.

July 06, 2005 11:09 PM


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