Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


So, I finished orientation at 12:15 today. Yes! It's over and now I feel more confident about being a student at FSU. I got my schedule and I'm excited about the classes that I got. Not necissarily the classes themselves, like the work, but I got good times and a good schedule. I don't ever have a class before 10:10 in the morning. My classes start at 10:10 and go to 3:20 on Monday (with an hour and 20 minutes break for lunch), go from 2:00 to 3:15 on Tuesday and Thursday, go from 10:10 to 2:15 on Wednesday (again with a lunch break), and go from 12:20 to 2:15 on Friday. I think that's a pretty good schedule, if I do say so myself. I'm in this thing called a Freshman Interest Group that groups me with other freshmen in my major and picks some of my classes for me to give me a great schedule with like 15 min between each class. I added one more class to that FIG (the Tues/Thurs one) and there we go. After orientation today, I met up with Daniel and we went and picked up my football ticket coupons and then went to CiCi's for lunch. So, it's been a good day so far. Now I have the rest of the evening (besides running Brandon over to his piano lessons at 5) to do whatever. I'm going to try to organize some things in my room and then get to bed at a decent hour so I can start getting back on a more regular schedule. So, paka for now!


Blogger Tamara said...

I love you Jenna :) I called you yesterday a couple times... well I talked to your dad once... then I left you a message last night. I'm glad orientation went well for you. You will be an awesome Seminole. You should call me since my efforts have obviously been in vain. I love you and miss you! Hey, "I like to smell good"... hahahaha

August 23, 2005 6:21 PM

Blogger Ruthie said...

Hello Jenna! Glad that things are going well for you. Calyn said ya'll were coming on Friday to my buisness debut and I am so pumped. We (me, you, and Calyn) really need to get together more often for some study times and chill time. See you then! Ruth

August 23, 2005 10:42 PM

Blogger Jenshka said...

Haha, Tamara. "I don't. Shutup." I love you girl. I will try to call you as soon as possible.

Nicole, I'm glad I got to talk to you today. We still need to talk some more. I want to know how things are going.

Ruth, I'm excited about your debut, and I agree, we do need to get together more often.

August 23, 2005 11:48 PM


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