Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Nothing to Write About

I have really been lacking in stuff to write about in my blog lately, so I just haven't written at all. But, certain people *cough*Calyn especially*cough* tend to get mad when I don't post for a while, so I'm just gonna tell ya'll about some random funny and/or interesting stuff that happened lately.

Yesterday morning I ran out of deodorant after putting it on one armpit, but luckily I had bought more already. Unfortunately, it wasn't the same scent, so my left armpit smelled like "ultra fresh" and my right one smelled like "cool shower." I know, I know, you all really wanted to know that, right? Well that's why I told you.

As many of you know, I get really bad allergy eyes. So, when I went to the optometrist, he gave me a prescription for some eye drops that will take care of all that. Well, my dad got them for me yesterday and he comes into my room and says, "These were $30, you better use them." And I'm thinking, $30 isn't that much for a prescription, but then I open the box and see how teeny tiny the bottle of eye drops are and I was like "oh." So later I was talking to my dad and I was like "my eyes itch," and he goes "go use your eye drops!!!" (So, I guess you kinda had to be there, but it was really funny.)

I got to see Carli yesterday! She stopped in Tallahassee to pick up Calyn so that they can go to Memphis to see Jake, Taylor, and the Olegs. So, we got to hang out on Thursday night. We keep telling her that she needs to move to Tallahassee, but it's still awesome that she lives as close as she does and has been able to visit semi-often. Calyn and I are planning a trip down to see her in Orlando next month (?) or sometime soon. Carli is so awesome!

Okay, another funny story. My cat has been really hyper today and he's got these toys that are like little fluff balls. He has a lot of them, but they all get knocked under the couches and stuff within like 5 minutes of him playing with them. But my mom moved a couch today, so he found one and has been playing with it. Well, I had this plastic container out on the floor in the living room and I hadn't heard Sammy batting around his ball in a while so I went out there and he had put the ball in the container and I guess he thought he couldn't get it out because he was just sitting there staring at it. So I picked it up out of the container and threw it across the room and her ran after it like he always does, but after that he did something a bit weird. He picked up the ball, brought it over to the container, and put it back inside. I thought, "hmm, that's odd," but I picked it up and threw it again. He did the same thing. So I start laughing and Brandon comes out and I'm just like "You've gotta see this. Sammy can fetch." So every time I threw the ball, Sammy would run after it, pick it up, and nonchalantly bring it back and put it in the container. I don't know why it was so funny, but it was. He did it for so long too. I still haven't figured out why.

Well, I think I've rambled long enough. I should go to bed now. If you actually read all of that, then I'm impressed. Thanks for listening to the random ramblings of me. :-)


Blogger Kristjan Oskarsson said...

Random ramblings
will become
the historical
of us
of now
for the then

Keep rambling

September 10, 2005 2:40 AM

Blogger Jim said...

Take it from a very experience cat owner, you have it backwards. You were the cat's entertainement. Sammy was thinking to himself, "look what Jenna can do (throw the ball) and how easily entertained she is."

I don't know Carli, but I do know a great house in Tallahassee that is available? :)

September 10, 2005 8:12 AM

Blogger Calyn said...

Mr. Jim, this will not become a free advertising site for you to get of your beloved house so that you can move yourself far, far away from us in Texas, of all places. NO ONE BUY MR. JIM'S HOUSE!!! HE CAN'T MOVE IF HE DOESN'T SELL IT!!!

September 11, 2005 8:11 PM

Blogger Aaron B said...

yeah, he's goin to texas! Noooooooo!!!!! But yeah jenna, i know how you feel when you don't post and people get mad. AND I HATE IT WHEN NO ONE EVER CHECKS YOUR BLOG ANYMORE!!! I HAVE A BLOG PEOPLE!!!!! CHECK IT OUT!!!

September 12, 2005 1:54 PM


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