Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

So Much for a Quiet Night at Home

Well, I was going to relax and just take it easy tonight, maybe even go to bed early. I even told Daniel I didn't want to go see a movie tonight because I've been doing a lot and I just wanted to stay home. This was, until Calyn asked me to go to Campus Crusades with her. I thought "Sure, why not? I want to get involved. This is a good reason to go out tonight." So, off we went to the Student Services Building, first floor, room 203 at 8:00 pm. Or so we thought. When we got to the SSB, we found that all the entrances were locked. We were at the SSB, and it was just a few minutes before 8, but no one was there. So we started thinking, maybe it doesn't start till next week. I suggested that we head to the Student Union to check out what was going on there. So after taking the long route (I'm sure) to the union, we found that there wasn't too much happening. Calyn said we should call Daniel to see what he was doing so our driving across town to campus could at least be worth something. I told her how I had told him I was staying home tonight and then decided to call him anyway.
Daniel: "Hey, Calyn."
Me: "Actually, this is Jenna. Guess where I am."
Daniel: "The movies."
Me: "No. Close."
Daniel: "At Calyn's house."
Me: "No, I'm on campus."
Daniel: laughing
Me (to Calyn): He's laughing at me.
So, I told him the story and he invited us to his dorm. So, we went and hung out in Daniel's dorm room until 10:45. We had lots of fun. Daniel's room is really nice and his roommate, Henry, is fun. And now, here I am, just getting home at 11:30 (me and Calyn talked for a bit at her house). So, as I said: so much for a quiet night at home. Oh well.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I got to talk to Roma tonight on ICQ! Only for like 2 minutes at Calyn's, but it made my night. I love that kid!


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