Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Only Two more weeks :o(

Hey everyone! It's the last full day of camp four! I can't believe
it. The new American team arrived yesterday and it's so weird that
they're the last ones. They seem like a good group though, they're
very enthusiastic and ready to go. All but one girl have never been
before, and they're a big youth group, so it's going to be pretty
different from the other groups we've had. This week of camp has been
really good. I love team four and I really don't want them to leave.
They've been a really good group of really fun people. For those of
you who know Jake and Taylor, they were here for camp four and they
were on my drama team. It was like the best drama team ever. They
were so great. At the beginning of the week both of them were like,
"We have stage fright. We've never done this before." But they were
both awesome.
I'm really not okay with the fact that I'm leaving in like two weeks.
Don't get me wrong, I miss everyone back home, but it just seems like
it went by too fast. Then again, the beginning seems like so long
ago. It's weird.
Okay, I really don't have anything all that interesting to say. Oh, I
don't think I've written about this yet, the health inspection came
and we had to hide all of the kids in the woods because there wasn't
supposed to be any kids here. But, everything worked out and they've
given us the go ahead to have the last camp. Praise Jesus! Okay,
that's about all I've got. I will see you all very soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just kidding...but seriously!

August 08, 2006 12:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenna my darling!!
I realized something earlier today, I miss you!! Like a lot. Tell me your phone number so I can call you while I'm in the good old USA. Email it to me..

August 16, 2006 12:14 AM


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