Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Real World: Tallahassee

Yeah, okay so I don't really have anything to blog about.
I am sitting here watching Full House and Fresh Prince of Bel-Air on Nick at Nite and I was just thinking how life is not like sitcoms. For instance:

Things that sitcoms have that real life doesn't:
1. All of your problems are solved in 30 minutes
2. Someone laughing even if your joke isn't funny
3. Sappy music during those really touching moments
4. Prepared lines so you always know exactly what to say
5. Commercial breaks
6. And my personal favorite...Will Smith

Sometimes I wish life could be like a sitcom where "everything gets neatly back by the end of the show" (according to Michael W. Smith) but other times it's good to know that life isn't already planned out for me. Of course, if I had to be on TV, there are a couple shows that I wouldn't mind being stuck in (can anyone say Tom Welling?).
Well, enough with my random ramblings. I'll let you all get back to real life.


Blogger Calyn said...

I was thinking of that song! Great minds think alike. But I'm a little worried about you wanting to live in Smallville. I don't care how hot Tom Welling is. The average lifespan in Smallville is like, 30. You either die or you start mutating. I like you just the way you are, Jenshka.

March 30, 2005 11:27 PM


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