Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Friday, February 25, 2005

How To Build a House

Today I feel: Useful (okay, this one's a stretch, but I really run out of adjectives, and I like to make them relate...just go with it...)

Well, Me, Calyn, Diane, and Brandon did some work on the set for our upcoming drama series tonight. We couldn't really leave anything up because it would get in the way of the Awana people's Bible quizzing on Saturday. We were trying to build a house structure out of PVC pipe (what does the "PVC" stand for anyway?) and fabric, but we ran into a slight problem: the connectors were too small for some of the pipes. Now, this was not a miscalculation on our part at all. When the connector says 1/2 inch, you would think that a 1/2 inch pipe would fit into it, now wouldn't you. But no, the pipe only fit into it if it had screw threads on the end. So, we had to improvise. Brandon and Diane both thought of doing it the same way, so they both get credit here. Their way worked with only eight pipes per house instead of twelve and we were able to use only the 1 inch pipes that fit. Regardless, I feel that we got a lot accomplished as far as planning and preliminary work goes. And I must say that we had a pretty productive night, especially since when Calyn and I are involved and are both in funny moods we can tend to be just ever so slightly unproductive. I am so excited about this series that I can hardly wait for it to start!


Blogger Calyn said...

Wow, I knew it was poly something or other, but Paul, you are a very smart person. Either that, or you just looked it up. Hey Jenshka, Russian's winning! Ха-ха-ха!Весёлый день!

February 25, 2005 1:21 PM


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