Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day

Today I feel: thankful that I have such great friends

Valentine's Day: it's not a good holiday for anyone. Those who don't have a significant other get all depressed and gloomy, and those with a significant other feel pressured to do something really special. Nobody wins.
However, this Valentine's Day, I was in neither of those categories. Not that I normally get all depressed on Valentine's Day or anything, but I just don't normally enjoy this holiday very much. But, this year I received more candy, flowers, just stuff, than I ever had (except for that one year in fifth grade...but that's a whole other story altogether...). I have such great friends. They all felt the need to get stuff for everyone this year. And, like four people brought stuff in for all the Melodears and it was just great.
Tonight, I went to the movies for a girls night out (which ended up not really working because Mr. Robbin, Jeremy, and Josh were there). We saw The Polar Express, which is a really sweet movie if you haven't seen it. It kinda made me wish it was Christmas though. Anyways, it was really fun and it was nice to get out of the house on a weeknight just to do something fun.
I went for a run today. (Calyn, you inspired me...and I also ate a bunch of junk today and I wanted to do something healthy.) Well, I say run, but I haven't done it in so long that it was more of a slow jog. But I never walked, and that is all that matters to me. Whenever I go for my little runs, I jog around the neighborhood (it's a mile long) and when I get to the stop sign at the beginning of the cul-de-sac, I sprint to the garage. It's really cool, because by the time you've jogged a mile, when you start to sprint, it feels like your legs aren't attached to your body. It's a really cool feeling. I was gonna take like a five minute break and then do it again, but my asthma kicked in and my stupid inhaler is messed up (might have something to do with the fact that it's been in the pack on the back of my bike since the bike trip this summer. Since I only need it when I'm doing strenuous exercise, like biking or running, it doesn't get too much use, but it would be nice if it would work when I need it). So I guess I'm going to try to do it a couple more times this week if I can.
Well, that's all for now. I hope everyone had a good V-day.


Blogger Calyn said...

Jenshka! I'm so proud of you. :0) Happy Valentine's Day! I'll see you tomorrow for PCBS!!!

February 14, 2005 11:24 PM

Blogger Jen said...

Happy Valentines Day!

I know you don't know me, but I stumbled upon your blog and it's really quite funny. Apparently the Calyn you're talking about in your email just commented on my roommate's blog a few days ago--Trisha Garinger. I think this is hilarious since we're in Saskatchewan, never ceases to amaze me :)...Anywho. We're both Christians's VERY neat to see you living out your faith, even on your blog :)...keep strong in Him!

~Jen Wilcock

February 14, 2005 11:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenna! I am so proud of you for working out! I have been biking a lot lately. But, I do have to laugh about your inhaler, because I was biking the other day and needed one and I kept thinkin get home so you can use it and then I realized OOOOOO it's still in my bike from last year! How awesome is that! Actually I did work out and bike in Missouri, but for some reason didn't need it much and when I did.. I had an extra! But, I am amused that you have kept yours in your bike like I have!! LOVe ya girl.

February 16, 2005 11:23 AM


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