Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

And the Countdown Begins

Today I feel: Excited! I figured out the picture thingy! Yea!!!

(This is Me, Janelle, and Nicole at the SLC)

Okay, so I was gonna start the official countdown to my 18th birthday yesterday because yesterday was 18 days until my 18th birthday. But, my tiredness overcame me and I went to bed without blogging. So, 17 days until my 18th birthday!!!!
Nothing all that interesting has happened lately. Kind of a same old, same old type of deal. I'm getting really tired of school and I'm pretty sure that after Spring Break I'm going to be the most useless creature on the planet. I mean, I've got accepted to FSU, I've secured my 100% scholarship, it's kind of pointless to still be at school. But, only 7 more school days until Spring Break. I can't wait.
The set is slowly but surely coming along. We still have a lot to do before Sunday though. I hope we can get it all done. Calyn being out of town this week kind of ruined my plans for getting any work done on it.
Okay, so all is well in Tally town. And I am off to bed. I've actually been getting a decent amount of sleep lately.


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