Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Thursday, December 29, 2005


I am really excited because Sarah is spending the night! We went to Moe's for dinner and then we came home and scrapbooked for a really long time (obviously, since it's 4 in the morning). After we did a little scrapbooking, we stopped and had a break for a little bubbly (sparkling cider, that is) and Calyn stopped by for a little while to talk. Then we scrapbooked for a few more hours and now we are about to finally go to sleep. It's been great to be able to catch up with Sarah and, as always, I enjoyed getting to talk to her. It's great that we can just pick up where we left off. We always have so much fun together and we just really understand each other. I love Sarah. So here are some pictures from our adventures with the sparkling cider.

Sarah with her beloved picture of "Mrs. Rachel." Except no one believes it's really Mrs. Rachel but her.

Sarah pouring me some cider

I'm excited because I get the honor of pouring Sarah's cider

The happy couple

Gazing into each other's eyes


Monday, December 26, 2005

Got 30 Seconds?

I don't know about you guys, but for me it seems that the Christmas season just keeps getting shorter and shorter. So, for those of you who haven't had the time to watch some of your favorite Christmas movie classics, I've got good news. Now, if you have just 30 seconds, you can enjoy It's A Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Mewwy Cwistmas Evweyone! (Cute Laugh...)

Yeah, okay that was referring to a Toby Mac song in case no one got that. Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I, for one, did. I got cute scarves and hats, gift cards, a skirt, Rainbows, pajama pants, and $50 toward saving up for an ipod. We're about to have gift exchange with my cousins, so I gotta go. But before I do...

Quotes o' Christmas Eve (didn't have time to post yesterday):

"You only got one cup? Then that means I had 42 cups of coffee!!!" -Mom

"Yes, merry Christmas. Now get out of my way!" -Dad

"We wish you a merry Chrees-moss, we wish you a merry Chrees-moss, we wish you a merry Chrees-moss, and a happy nooo yee-ruh! One more time!" -Chris

"Hey P. Sherman! Want some Coke?" -Me (P. Sherman is Chris's goldfish.)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Bonfire and Scrabble

Tonight we went to the Fenstermakers' house for hangout and a bonfire. It was pretty fun. We played ultimate but it was pretty hard because it was dark and you couldn't see anything except the frisbee. After we sat by the fire for a while we laid in the field and looked at the stars. It was really pretty and really cold. And I got to talk to Tamara for like and hour-and-a-half and catch up. It was really good. I love you, Tam.
So Janelle's over here now and we just played the funniest game of Scrabble ever with my brothers. It was pretty much only funny because we are all really hyper and we were laughing about every thing. Oh, and we came out with a here it is.

Quote o' the day:
"Man, I could make a bunch of words if only they have definitions. Like olsberm!" -Janelle Kuder

P.S. Chris is awesome. (He told me to say that.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Love Christmas Break

Christmas break is amazing:

  • The Choir fire was great fun (except when I burned my fingers on a key. Don't ask.).
  • Lerah spent the night. Happy!
  • Got all my Christmas shopping done and had fun doing it.
  • Carli came!!! But now she's gone :-(
  • I dyed my hair. It's "dark soft brown," I like it.
  • I got some scrapbooking done last night and fully intend to do much more over the break.
  • I got all As! Well, 2 A-s, 2 As, and 1 S, but in general, all As. Yea! (Or Yay! but not Yeah!)
  • Tonight I'm baking Christmas goodies with my mommy!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

"Hey Richard, I think one of your chickens just got out."

Oh my gosh, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Wow. Lerah is spending the night and me, her, my brothers and my might-as-well-be-brother (AKA Christian) were making prank phone calls for like 2 hours. Wow. We started off by calling other people's friends and acting like we knew them, like Christian called one of Lerah's friends from his phone and acted like he knew her. So eventually, we just started calling random people in Wakulla and telling them, "Hey Richard, I think one of your chickens just got out," in a really thick southern accent. Some people would just run with it and once we called one of Christian's friends and did it to them and they had this 15 minute conversation with Christian and Brandon. So funny. But we did run into a few snags along the way. One time Chris was just listening to the other line and all of a sudden he hung up and was like, "Oh crap! It was a funeral home!" Christian got asked if he "knew" the guy he was talking to's daughter. That was pretty great. A couple times we got connected to the internet. And the time we were talking to Christian's friend and he was telling her, "someone's tipping your cows." And then we hear him say (again in a really thick accent) "like a mooooo cow." And lastly Brandon got someone who wasn't speaking English. And now we're sitting here and Brandon and Christian are still talking like rednecks and it's hilarious. They decided that Lerah's country name is Susie Lou and mine is Penny May. So, we're gonna try to go to bed sometime soon. Tomorrow we're going to the mall to gift wrap and do a little shopping. I sure hope no one tries to call my number back tomorrow...

And oh yeah, It's officially Christmas break...FREEDOM!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Should Be Studying

Drama went amazingly well. PCBS was great as usual. Now I must study for my exam at 7:30 tomorrow morning...bah!

Quote o' the day:
"Well, now my knee hurts. Me and my brother were playing 'see who can hit their knee with a brush for the longest' and I won." -Leah Jones

P.S. Ten days until Christmas and it's 60 degrees? Who thought that was a good idea?!?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Children (from Canopy Oaks to Africa)

Only one more exam to go: Friday at 7:30 in the morning. I had one today at 12:30 and I turned in a take home exam after that, so I'm free tomorrow. I'm going to do some shopping and go to work. Today, tomorrow and Friday are early release days for Canopy Oaks so I'm getting to work at 11:30. We have a bounce house and a fun slide rented out, so it's fun but it's crazy. I got some pictures today that turned out pretty cute. Everyone made fun of my camera, but that's okay. It works, okay?

Taylor and Caitlyn

Amber doing a back handspring

Caitlyn, Max, Taylor, Karly, Megan, and Lindsey in the bounce house

Carl putting Cody in a choke hold (this is probably only an amusing picture if you know the people, sorry)

Amber, Folasade, Brooke, Dione, Bryanna, and Gabrielle

Bryanna and Erica

Me, Beth, Amber, and Lucy all decked out in our Canopy Oaks staff wear

Shericka, Brooke, and Folasade

Devin, Colin, and Paul

We have three children and a chaperone from the African Children's Choir staying with us tonight and tomorrow. They are just precious. We joined them for their prayer tonight and they sang a song to God and prayed and it was just about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. They're adorable.

Quotes o' the day:
"Where's the next place you're singing at?" -Me asking Jerusa, the chaperone
"I think it's Panama City." -Jerusa
"Banana City?!?" -Rebecca, one of the kids

"Jenna, you don't write music and then follow it. Brandon taught me all about it." -Chris

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Party Time

Today was Brandon's birthday party, so I'm gonna put up pictures from his actual birthday on Wednesday and of the party today.

Brandon with the absolutely awesome card I gave him

Chris and me with the birthday boy and his gift, two Spiderman comic collections

Chris trying to be as hot as the Hungry Howie's guy...haha

Brandon with his birthday gift to himself (like on "The Emporer's New Groove: "It's my birthday gift to me! I'm so happy!")

Dad's trying...

Now for the party

"Victory screech!"

Todd, Paul, Erica, Calyn, and Kate

Calyn and me

Dad reading his ever-important "Current"

Dad explaining to Todd how to use the chart on the back to track his spending on his electrical bill...check your meter, everyone

Chris on Brandon's new pogo stick

Erin and Paul

Impressive, Christian

Alicia and Erica

Brandon's pretty much amazing

In other news, Sarah surprised Rebekah (and all the rest of us) by showing up for her birthday party. She was only able to be in town from 7:00 Friday night until 5:00 Saturday morning, but she was here. It was great to see her, even if for such a short time. I can't wait until she and everyone else come home for Christmas break. Well, it's late, so I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Happy Birthday, Brandon!!!

The big one-five. I love you, "Twin!"

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Great Comic, Great Quote, Great Brother

So, Chris and I laughed for a long time over this comic when it was in the paper the other day. I'm not sure if it was because it was really late or what, but it was funny.

Oh man, it gets me every time. I'm pretty sure it's that part about it not being "scarfy" enough. Anyways, me and Chris thought it was funny. I love that kid! Oh, that reminds me...

Quote o' the day:
Chris: *gasps*
Me: What? What happened?
Chris: Oh, nothing. It's pretty much just as bad as Santa dying!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Deck the Halls

Tonight we started decorating for Christmas. We got the tree up and started to decorate it, but it was late when we started so we didn't get too far. It made me happy though, because we had our little family tradition party and everything. I'm definitely getting into the Christmas spirit. I used my dad's huge digital camera so I could actually post some pictures.

Chris in mid-air (it only took like 20 times to catch him with this ancient camera)

Me and Chris get in the holiday spirit

Our feet

Brandon and me: need I say more?

This is the real Brandon right here.

Brandon, me, and Chris, trying to be photogenic...

Mom putting on the lights

Kissin' under the mistletoe

Us laughing at Dad's impression of Sammy seeing the tree for the first time. You've gotta see it, it's funny. That's why we're laughing. Yeah.


This one's pretty self-explanitory. We're awesome...that's all there is to it.


Me and Sammy

Me getting close and personal with the tree

Chris is a slacker. 'Nough said.

Quote o' the day:
Jenna: How will we know when these puppies are charged?
Brandon: They'll bark!
(I was talking about batteries...)

Friday, December 02, 2005

It's What Day?!?!

Today was December 1st. Anyone else find that weird? It doesn't feel like December. I don't really know why. It might be because it hasn't stayed cold for more than 2 days at a time. Or it may be that we haven't decorated for Christmas yet. It may just be that every year the holidays come and go with me feeling like it shouldn't even by October yet. I don't know why, but that's what's seem to have happened every year lately. The holiday season is too short.
So, I got to see a lot of people during the Thanksgiving holiday, and that was great. And Lori is home, and that is super awesome! Hopefully my family and I are decorating our house tomorrow for Christmas. Maybe that'll get me in the spirit. I want it to really feel like Christmas this year. But Christmas is on a Sunday. That's kinda weird. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but oh well.
Well, I don't have much else to say. I kinda feel like I've lost my passion for blogging lately. So, sorry, cause I'm sure this is all really boring but I really don't have anything else to say, so goodnight!

Oh, P.S. I finally got my paycheck after working for 2 and 1/2 months. Woo-hoo! I wanna go Christmas shopping...