Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Turkey Day!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I know I did. I am thankful for family, friends, and the Thanksgiving meal! The fact that it was 70 degrees outside and it still doesn't seem like it's November didn't even bother me today (okay, maybe a little). I should go to bed now because I'm going shopping with my mom, my aunt, and my grandma tomorrow. You know, this will be the first time that I've gone shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Isn't it supposed to be the biggest shopping day of the year? Not for the Myricks I guess. Oh, before I go, I told Sarah I'd do this, so here goes:

Quotes o' the yesterday:
"Life is like a bag of Bridge Mix." -Sarah Wirgau
"Get off Mar-keister!" -Sarah Wirgau

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Okay, so I'm procrastinating on writing my paper. And I haven't posted in a while, so I figured I would. But I don't really have anything to say. Oh, Rachel's birthday party was Friday night to Saturday morning, and that was tons of fun. We tried to sleep on the trampoline. Well, Lerah and I made it until 6:45 am, but Lerah woke up and saw that we were the last two out there and it was really cold, so we went inside. It was pretty awesome while it lasted though. And carpet ball is awesome.
Okay, I'm gonna go get me some coffee or something so I can stay awake and write this paper. Blah. But there is only two days of school this week and then Thanksgiving holidays! So that's something to look forward to. :-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Exciting News:

1. We practiced a really funny Christmas skit at drama tonight and I am ochen excited about performing it.

2. I got a 98 on my speech about Ukraine in my speech (duh) class.

3. Food+Friends+Guthries=Squeaky toy=Good times

And that's about all I have to say. I am very tired, so I'm gonna go to bed "early." Fsyo.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Fall Retreat Pictures

Calyn already put up a lot of these pictures, but I'm gonna put some up too, for my own sake if for no one else's. So bear with me through the repeats, if you will. They're such awesome pictures that I'm sure they're just as great the second time around.

I look really confused/sad and Calyn just looks mesmerized

We love lollipops!

Those glasses were freakin' awesome, I should have bought them. And that was the softest pillow, or anything for that matter, that I have ever touched...I should have bought it too. :-(

Me and Shannon with our massive subs

The whole group

Me and Brandon

Me and Callie

Me and Mom

Me and Calyn on the beach...beautiful

Me and the boys :-)

Me and Dad

Anna, Me, and Callie doing handstands

Our room/small group

Me and Lerah

Ian, Paul and Me

Getting pumped for rec!

And last but not least, I have what you've all been waiting for...
Quote o' the weekend: "Climb the palm tree and grab the fruit!" -Us (you know who you are :-))

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Face to Face with My Habits

The Fall Retreat was this weekend and it was a great time. We (Me, Diane, and Calyn) went down on Wednesday night after church and spent Thursday and half of Friday setting everything up and getting ready. We spent six hours laying duct tape in an intricate design of lines and spaces for the labyrinth among other things. And, the retreat was great, very refreshing and fun. The band was awesome and all of the guys in it are really awesome people. On the way home we stopped and ate gourmet Taco Bell with the band and then made a caravan of 4 (well, it turned into 3) cars home. Fun times. God taught me that time spent with him in the word can't be substituted with anything else. Rec was awesome because we made a giant slingshot and launched fish from it. We played other games too, but that one was definitely the best. Today is Lerah's birthday, happy birthday, Lerah! And we got her this awesome chair. And that was basically my latter part of the week/weekend.

Now, since I've been tagged by Melinda, here we go:

Ground Rules: The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "5 weird habits of yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog/xanga entry about their 5 weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You are tagged" in their blog/xanga and tell them to read yours.

5 weird habits of yourself:

1. I like to clean the dirt out from under my toenails to make me feel really clean.

2. I can't take a shower in less than 10 minutes.

3. I like to match my underwear to what I'm wearing.

4. I love to dance around in my room or pretend like I know what I'm doing and dance to music while I'm getting ready or cleaning my room.

5. I have to fix people's clothes, like when someone's sleeve is turned up a little bit or someone's tag is sticking out or if people have hair or stuff stuck to them, I have to fix it. This is more of a pet peeve than a habit, but I couldn't think of anything else.

So, now that that's done...I tag...Sarah, James, Ian, Rebekah, and Leah

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I'd Love to Blog, But I Can't

I got in a car wreck on Friday. Everyone's fine...except my car. But my dad fixed enough where I can drive it.
Friday night hanging out at Kenley's was so much fun. We played Mario Kart and ordered wings and a pizza at midnight. Oh, and listened to Numa Numa over and over...and over.
Went to the game Saturday. The Seminoles lost. Sad day.
I'm sick. Stupid cold. I feel like crap.
Slept out on Calyn's porch on Saturday night because her house was 80 degrees and her fan blows...literally.
Sunday we cooked and went to Wal-Mart at the craziest time ever. What we do for slavic food.
Slavic food night was amazing. So much good food, so little time.
I can't believe I'm still awake. I still need to pack because we're leaving for Laguna tomorrow night. And the room is starting to spin...I'm serious. So I better go. Like I said, I'd love to actually write a post, because stuff has actually happened, and I've been meaning to. But I really need to go now.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Feta Cheese Techno Power

J: So, what do we wanna talk about?
C: I say we just go where the road leads us, Jenna.
J: Well, then, speaking of Ninja Turtles, if they're "turtles in a half shell (turtle power!)" then, what's turtles in a whole shell? Are they like, rolly-polly turtles? that's a weird visual.
C: I don't know. My Mom didn't let me watch Ninja turltes when I was little.
J: Bull.
C: No, I'm serious. We weren't allowed to watch Ninja Turtles.
J: Actually, I don't think we were either. But we were allowed to watch Power Rangers, and my cousins weren't and I remember we were on the playgroundand and my cousin, Josh, was like, "Hey, let's play power rangers." And my aunt said, "Why don't you play Rescue Rangers instead?" So, we said, "okay" and then we walked away and said, "All right. Power Rangers. I'll be Kimberly." Because, who wants to be Chip and Dale? Kids wanna be...I don't even remember their names. Tommy, and who's that girl? You know the one with the face? The Chinese face? The yellow one. Not yellow face. Yellow suit. Cause you know, there's that song. "Red and yellow, black and white..." I used to ask my mom who the red and yellow children were in the song. I mean, I knew black and white. That was easy.
C: First off, Trini was the yellow ranger. She was Japanese, I think.
J: Who names their kid "Trini!?" Not Japanese people. I had a friend named Trinity. But she was Cuban.
C: Well, there was Trini, Zach, Billy, um, Tommy, Jason and Kimberly. I never liked Kimberly.
J: Yeah, me neither. I just liked her pink suit. Cause no one wants to be the yellow ranger. Everyone would want to be the pink one.
C: No, that's not true. I always wanted to be Trini. She knew karate and stuff. Kimberly just knew...gymnastics. I mean, come on. 50 years from now, what good is that gonna do? Old people can still do karate. Have you seen "Three Ninjas?"
J: No. Does that surprise you?
C: Not in the least. Well, that old guy does some serious karate and he's like, 80 years old. And Jackie Chan's like, 60 now.
J: Oh yeah, well, Dominique Mocha...capachino something is gettin' up there too. Except, I haven't really seen her do gynmastics lately...
C: I've made my point.
J: Moving on.
C: So, just how awesome is "Numa, Numa?"
J: Well, as Strong Bad would say, "On a scale from one to awesome, it's SUPER GREAT."
C&J: Miahii
Allo, salut, sint yel, un hydook
she teraw, youbeera mah, primesh der, vericheera
C: something about feta cheese...and mario spoons and Picasso. I wanna learn Romanian now.
J: Yeah, I bet that'll come in real handy.
C: Well, Kenley gave us a new quote today.
J: I think it just may qualify for the "quote o' the day."
C: Yes.
"That's not all my beef with him. I mean, you're talkin' meatball. I'm talkin' porterhouse."
-Kenley Stringer
J: There's something in your eye. For real. I'm not just being like that guy at Russian club. You know, the one with the face? Derek! His name's Derek. Anyways, it's like some gook.
C: Great. That's wonderful. (Gets up to get the gook out of her eye.) That was some serious gunk! Sssssick. There's all sorts of crap in my eye. My fingers still smell like onions. I think I need a new pillow case. What do you think?
J: Well, I was gonna say something earlier but I didn't want to sound tactless.
C: See, the thing is it's not dirty. It's been washed a bunch of times. It's just really old and it looks dirty. I just have pink sheets and so it's never compared to white. But now that I look at your white's gotta go. See, smell my fingers,they still smell like onions. Don't they?
J: Yes.
C: I washed them like eight times.
J: It happens.
C: Бывает. You have to type because I took my contacts out.

J: You suck.
C: Thank you. I'm so glad that you're around to build my self-esteem, Jenshka.
J: Any time. That's what I'm here for. Is any time one word?
C: I don't think so. Who makes the call that anybody, anything, anyone, sometimes, everybody is one word but then any day, any time, any place...
J: Anywhere, oh wait that's one word. Anyways...hahahahaha. Didn't even mean to do that.
C: No, really though. Who get's to? Do you know? I would like to have that job.
J: *sniff, sniff* I'm sick.
C: Всё?
J: Umm...are we good? I guess so.
C: Uh-huh. Time for bed. Пора лужиться спать. I'm determined to teach you Russian, Jenna Myrick.
J: Did your leg just twitch.
C: Did it? I don't even remember that.
J: Yes, it did, it was weird.
C: It's tired, it wants to sleep.
J: I'm tired, I want to sleep.
C: Well, I'm gonna agree with my leg. Let's go to bed.
J: Sounds good to me. Goodnight. Or actually, good morning. Why is goodnight one word and good morning two? Here we go again.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

When I Look at the Stars

We didn't have bible study tonight so I was home and able to just chill. That was nice. As much as I love bible study, it was nice to have a night off from doing stuff. But after the guys bible study that goes on at my house was over, me, Ian and Paul went outside and laid in the road and looked at the stars. Well actually, first we played a little Donkey Kong and the guys wrestled on my bed, but that's another story. So anyways, we were just laying there looking at the stars in the cold. It was so beautiful! It reminded me of the leadership retreat when the three of us were laying in the road, only there weren't very many stars that night as far as I remember. But yeah, it was great. Ooooh, oh yeah, and we saw a shooting star. It was really cool. Haha, that reminds me of what Amberly said. Oh boy.
Well, I should be going now because I have to get up pretty early tomorrow. But I shall leave you with this:
Quote o' the day: "When I squint like this I can see them with my eyes open. And when I blink they change colors. Pink. Green. Pink. Green."
-My mom describing her visions of "seagulls" when she squints her eyes to say "P. F. Chang." You had to be there, but it was really funny.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

If I Only Had a Camera

Oh gosh I wish my camera was working. We had such an interesting array of "costumes" goin' on last night. If you've read Calyn's blog then you know that I had a little impromptu Halloween party last night that resulted in some trick-or-treating by some pretty old kids (also known as me, Calyn, Shannon, Lerah, Diane, and Daniel). It was sooooo funny. We pulled out these Mardi Gras masks that my mom got when she went to New Orleans a few years ago and some other random costume pieces and threw some costumes together so we could get candy. Daniel had on this white wig and a mask and some little kid asked "Mom, is that a giraffe or a cobra?" We were laughing pretty hard about that one. Then Diane had on this Elvis mask that Daniel bought and Chris' cape from his Batman costume and she would randomly stop and pose and sing that one song, you know, da-duh-da...da-duh-da, okay maybe you don't know, but ask me later. It was really funny though, she made a great Elvis. Then we ended up singing Happy Birthday to all the people at the houses we stopped at (for funny stories visit Calyn's blog) and we just had a bunch of fun. Then we went back to my house for some old-school Nintendo playing (Donkey Kong is the best game ever!) and a bonfire and s'mores. "But how can I have some more if I haven't had any yet?" "You're killin' me, Smalls!" Haha, great movie, great quote. Anyways, that was my Halloween. I was gonna write about it last night, but I was so tired and I just couldn't muster up the energy. Well, I hope everyone had a great Halloween with lots of treats and not many tricks!