Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Only Two more weeks :o(

Hey everyone! It's the last full day of camp four! I can't believe
it. The new American team arrived yesterday and it's so weird that
they're the last ones. They seem like a good group though, they're
very enthusiastic and ready to go. All but one girl have never been
before, and they're a big youth group, so it's going to be pretty
different from the other groups we've had. This week of camp has been
really good. I love team four and I really don't want them to leave.
They've been a really good group of really fun people. For those of
you who know Jake and Taylor, they were here for camp four and they
were on my drama team. It was like the best drama team ever. They
were so great. At the beginning of the week both of them were like,
"We have stage fright. We've never done this before." But they were
both awesome.
I'm really not okay with the fact that I'm leaving in like two weeks.
Don't get me wrong, I miss everyone back home, but it just seems like
it went by too fast. Then again, the beginning seems like so long
ago. It's weird.
Okay, I really don't have anything all that interesting to say. Oh, I
don't think I've written about this yet, the health inspection came
and we had to hide all of the kids in the woods because there wasn't
supposed to be any kids here. But, everything worked out and they've
given us the go ahead to have the last camp. Praise Jesus! Okay,
that's about all I've got. I will see you all very soon...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Truth

The following are true statements:
Jenna is cool.
Stephanie is cool.
Team four arrives tomorrow!

So I'm sitting here with Stephanie and we are skipping out on evening
program. I asked her what I should tell you guys, because really the
only thing I have to say is that I'm excited about team 4 coming
because they are cool.

An update from Nurse Rita:

Hi, my name's Nurse Rita. I like to practice medicine. And in my
free time I engage in pilates and water aerobics. My favorite time of
day is 8:23 AM. It's just right...not too early, not too late. I've
been Miss Myrick's nurse at camp for the previous two camps and I'd just like to say that she
is in outstanding health...healthy as a large horse as my Father Henry
likes to say. I am single. No kids. My number is 423-338-9264. I
like grey goose martinis with two green olives. I'm 57 but don't
worry fellas, I haven't lost that wild fire just quite yet. Yes,
um..anyhow, camps are going great. Thanks to all who support Miss
Myrick by reading her entertaining blog.

Thank you *********(for the protection of the innocent, names have
been concealed)...I mean, Nurse Rita. I thought it was supposed to be
an update, not a personal ad, but I guess she's feeling lonely. Well,
I think "Nurse Rita" pretty much covered all the bases, so I'm gonna

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Attack of the Bugs

Hey guys! It's the first day of camp three! We had a day off
yesterday, so the five of us summer staff who are on team B went to
spend the night at Lori and Amberly's apartment. We hung out in the
city for a while and then went back and hung out. It was a nice day
to relax and just get away from camp for a while.
In other news, bugs have invaded our hall. I don't know where they
came from, but two nights ago the camp was empty of campers and just
the staff were here. I was in my room when I heard Lauren, who lives
with JenniGray next door to Stephanie and I, slam the door to the
shower room. She yelled my name and I came running. She was like
"Look in there, it's like a scary movie." I opened the door just a
little and the window was practically covered in these big, black
bugs. A couple of them flew at me when I opened the door and the rest
just swarmed around in the room or stuck to the window. We have no
idea where they came from. Later that day there were a few in our
rooms, so we were spraying them with the Raid that Lauren bought at
the store the other day. Then we went into the hall and there were
some flying around, so Lauren sprayed at them while they were in the
air. When one flew by the light, she sprayed at it and a whole swarm
of bugs came out of the light. She kept spraying for a minute and
then we both ran to our rooms. We came out a few minutes later to a
ton of dead bugs laying on the floor. It was quite an experience. We
haven't looked in the shower room lately, because we use the hot
shower upstairs anyway, but we haven't had much more trouble. I think
the other bugs have taken the dead ones as a warning sign to stay
As far as the water situation goes, we recieved another test the other
day that said that the water was bad again, and the health department
is still threatening to make us leave the campsite. So please be in
prayer for that.
Have a great week at Student Life Camp Northwoods' guys! I'll be
praying for you!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Water Update

Hey guys, just a quick update on the water situation. The tests came
back within the norm, so that was good, but it wasn't all our water because we've been borrowing water from
the orphanage next door ever since our water pump broke a few days
ago. But, as an answer to prayer, the health inspection isn't going
to be here until the day between camps, so there will be no kids here, just
as they wanted it. We are not completely home free yet, but things
are looking positive. Please keep praying.
We had a picnic yesterday for the 4th of July. We went to this little
park nearby and had a cookout. I was thinking about the 4th of July
celebration at Northwoods. How did it go? I wish I could have been
there, but we had a great little party here. We also sang the
National Anthem in morning celebration and said the Pledge of
Allegiance before we started rec. It was cool to see the Ukrainians
waving American flags and getting into the Independence Day spirit.
Tomorrow is the last full day of camp two and team three also arrives.
Time goes by so quickly. Tonight is repentance (altar call) night,
so please be praying for the kids. Last week we had about 30 come to
Christ, praise Jesus! Thanks for your prayer. God is doing great

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Camp Two Already!

Hey everyone! A lot has been going on, so let me update you. Today
was the first full day of camp two. It's really weird, because in
some ways it feels like I just got here and in others it feels like
it's going by too quickly. The team is kind of small this week, but
it's been good so far. We can definitely use some prayer. I know
that we have amazing things in store, because we've had a lot of
attacks. First of all, if you guys could just pray for everyone's
health, because pretty much everyone on staff is at least a little bit
sick. Second, we had a summer staff ask to leave last week, and she
left with the team from camp one. It's a situation that Radooga has
never had to deal with before, and it's a weird story, but it was and
will continue to be hard on the rest of us on staff here. We are all
having to pick up the responsibilities that she left behind and fill
in for her gap, so please be in prayer for that. Also pray for her
and the situation, that God would work in her life and work through
this tough situation. Another request is for JenniGray, Lauren, and
MerriCameron, whom some of you know. A good friend of thiers passed
away last week and it's been hard on them. JG and Lauren are both on
summer staff and MC was here for camp one and then ended up staying
for camps two and three also. So please keep them in your prayers and
also the family of their friend, Neil. Lastly, we have had some
trouble with the health inspection. Apparently there is a problem
with the water here at camp, and the health department is threatening
to shut us down and make us leave the campsite. We assume that the
results of the water test are being falsified and exaggerated by the
corrupt system that Ukraine is under. When Oleg asked the camp
director who runs the campsite about the problem she asked him if he
had any enemies who would want the camp shut down. So, the health
inspection will be back tomorrow to check everything out and there
isn't supposed to be anyone at the campsite. We have over 200 kids
plus the Radooga staff here, so that's not happening. Please pray
that everything will work out and we will continue to be able to run
camps no matter what happens. Thank you all so much for your emails,
they've been really encouraging. I'm doing great and loving it, other
than having a cold. The weather right now is perfect and I love it.
Last week it was really hot, but this week has been beautiful. I will
try to put some picutures up soon, if possible. :o) Love ya'll!