Inside My Head: It's normally a pretty scary place to be, but it does promise to be quite amusing and sometimes even funny...

Saturday, June 25, 2005

How Chuck E. Cheese Makes Their Money

We went to Chuck E. Cheese today. Our company that's in from Boynton includes a six-year-old and a three-year-old, and after we found out that all of the lanes at the bowling alley were taken and Fun Station was way packed, we went to Chuck E. Cheese. So I had fun and my mom gave us some tokens and I put $5 of my own money in for tokens, and we got some free ones for buying food and stuff. Anyway, all together I used about 8 bucks worth of tokens. Well, I go up to the prize counter and I had 215 tickets, so I get one of those spiral lollipops, you know, like this: except mine is a little longer, for 200 tickets and a flimsy, plastic, blue star bracelet for 15 tickets. Well as I'm waiting for Noah (the three-year-old) to decide whether he wants a toy car or a puzzle, I see that you could also purchase the lollipop that I got for $1.99, instead of using tickets. So basically, I spent $8 (well actually only 5 of it actually came from my pocket, but you get the idea) to get a lollipop that I could have had for 2. Oh well, I had fun, right?
I just came back from seeing Bewitched with Daniel and his roommate, Camp. It was a good movie and it was cool getting to meet Camp. He seems like a really nice guy. He didn't talk a whole lot, but that probably has to do with the fact that Daniel and I tend to dominate conversation and he was really tired. But he did talk enough for me to know that he's a cool guy.
So, I'm still house-sitting, but today wasn't as easy as yesterday. Christina spent the night last night, and it was a rough night, with Pepper pouncing on me at some crazy hour of the morning and then at 6:30 Christina going "Jenna, the cat peed in the bed." I was just like "You have got to be kidding me." So we stripped the sheets and everything and I threw them in the washer and went back to bed, in a different bed, of course. Well, when I woke up several hours later, I found the sheets still sitting soaking in the washer. Turns out their washer doesn't work so well and I had to have my dad come over to help me get it working. I'm still trying to figure out how to clean the comforter, so it's been pretty frustrating. Besides, the only reason the cat peed on the bed is because he's scared of me or something and everytime he's by the door to go outside and I come to open it for him, he runs and hides under a bed somewhere. So, it's been an interesting day, full of annoying cats, a big mouse character, and meeting someone new. But now, I'm off to clean that comforter...oh joy!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Thoughts on House-Sitting

Hey look, I'm blogging two days in a row. This hasn't happened in quite some time.
I started house-sitting today. Christina and I went and got dinner at Los Compadres and then we stopped by Blockbuster to rent some movies. We came back to the Schaeffer's house and after walking Sassy, we watched Meet the Fockers. Funny movie. Now she's gone and I'm just hanging out with the animals. For those of you who don't know, they have two cats, Kitty (original, I know) and Pepper, and a dog, Sassy. I kind of like having a house to myself. Christina's coming over again tomorrow so we can watch the other movie we rented, Hitch. I'm excited, because I've been wanting to see it for a while now.
So I hope all you people had fun at Wakulla Springs today. Since Nicole never called me, I didn't know about it until I read my comments 2 minutes ago. Oh well, I couldn't have gone anyway. We were cleaning because our friends from Boynton are coming to visit tomorrow. Okay, well I'm gonna go. For a closing comment, can I just say that I LOVE pistachios.

Quote o' the sometime: "Man I'm awesome. I should give myself a cookie. A really big one. With sprinkles." -Brandon Myrick

I'm a Slacker

You know, for having nothing to do, I sure have done a lot lately. I'm sorry that I've been a slacker on my blogging lately. I've been doing a lot and every time I think about blogging it's like really late (like right now, but I finally gave in) or I still have stuff to do. So, Ian and Paul, this is for you.
Not much to tell as of late. I've just been keeping myself busy. I finished off VBS nicely last week. Went swimming at Paul's house, got attacked by Paul, Jake, and Daniel (3 on 1 = not fair!) and unintentionally made Jill my "buddy." Friday we played on the water slide things that were really cool and then I was exhausted but I babysat that night. I watched the bike trip DVDs and they were awesome, of course. Saturday I went to Aaron's party and went swimming. Sunday was Father's Day and we got my dad really good presents, so that was exciting. Then I spent the night with Callie until Monday. Monday night was her birthday party, so we planned and cooked and got stuff ready. Her party was really fun, we did a video scavenger hunt and I locked us out of the van, so we were stranded at a gas station for 45 minutes (ahhh...good times!). Tuesday I picked Callie and Rhian up and they came over for a while. I took them to gymnastics and after that Callie spent the night. And today Callie and I tried to make outfits for our pigs stuffed animals (we got bored) but half-way through the sewing machine messed up and we couldn't figure out how to fix it. Then tonight I went to church and Ian and Paul said I should blog, so here I am. Wow! That was a lot.
So, as you can see, I've had a lot to do. I think that serves as an excuse for why I haven't blogged in a while. Tomorrow I start house-sitting for the Schaeffers while they're on vacation, so that means I get a huge house with lots of food and a trampoline all to myself. Party anyone?

Monday, June 13, 2005

One Down, Four to Go

Today was the first day of Club VBS Beach Blast. Just four more to go. Actually, like three and a water day. It went surprisingly well, for my group at least. I am a line leader for third grade and they are the best group I've ever had at a VBS. They actually listen and they're not too hyped up (except at recreation, but it's okay there). Mr Jim, I think that it's a little more organized than last year. They made some changes and I'm pretty sure that they were all for the better.
I was pretty tired today because me and Brandon stayed up until 2 am talking last night. At like 11:15 he started explaining some stuff about Star Wars to me because we went to see Episode III last night and I haven't seen all of Episode II and what I have seen wasn't in English (we watched it in Spanish class, so it was in Spanish). After he was done explaining that, we just kept talking. At first I was like "Brandon, it's midnight. We really need to go to bed." which turned into "Brandon, it's 1:00. We really need to go to bed." until finally I said "Brandon, it's 2 in the morning. Get out of my room before we start talking again." I'm really glad we got to hang out and all, but I was pretty tired because I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep these past few days. But, I took a nap today and I'm feeling better. Okay, dinner's here, so I gotta go.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Graduation = $$$

Well, Not too much going on. I've just been enjoying having nothing to do. I went shopping and it was nice to be able to have a lot of money from graduation and just get what I want. I spent like a hundred dollars the past few days. And I think I went to every store that I've ever found good clothes at and then some. Callie and I went shopping yesterday and then She, Rhian, Kate, and I went again today after Jordan's birthday party (bowling, woo-hoo!).
I can't believe VBS starts on Monday. This summer is going to go by fast, I can tell. But anyways, VBS on Monday means that we have to stay after church tomorrow to decorate. It should be pretty fun. So get out your beach balls and buckets and pails, 'cause it's time for the VBS Beach Blast!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Freedom Bike Tour Pictures

This is probably my favorite picture from the trip--Janelle and Nicole dancing on the hill

Erin, Rachel, Nicole, Janelle, David, Kayla, and Daniel on the trail

Me and Nicole as we perform our unique stretch

Janelle, Nicole, and I at Harper's Ferry

David's got Spencer right where he wants him

Me, Nicole, Janelle, and Daniel at Great Falls

Me, Paul, Janelle, Anna, Amanda, Alicia, and Nicole at Great Falls

Group Three at Mile Zero (Me, Rachel, Janelle, Daniel, David, and Kayla)

Anna, Erin, Nicole, Paul, Amanda, Amy, Me, and Janelle at the Smithsonian Natural History Museum

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Lessons Learned, Things Figured Out and Discovered

So, I guess it's time to put up some more about the bike trip. It's too much to tell, but as others have done, I'm going to make a little list of things I learned/figured out/rediscovered on the it goes:

  • I LOVE the weather in Maryland and Virginia
  • Waterfalls and flowing rivers do a great job at reminding you just how awesome God's creation really is
  • I have the best friends ever
  • Mr. Jim is quite possibly the most awesome person on the planet
  • The nose game gets really old really fast
  • Melinda and Amanda are really cool people (and really funny, especially late at night when there is a funky exercise machine around)
  • When you think you don't need any help, that's when you need it the most
  • Long rides + rocky terrain = very sore butt
  • Paul really deserved the servant and best attitude awards, and I'm glad he got them. He is the most thoughtful person I know. I mean, all I did was mention that I kind of wanted some peanut M+M's and the next day he had some for me. If it wasn't for him, I would have been bikeless for just about every training ride, not to mention all the other stuff he does for me. Paul, you're awesome!
  • The bike trip allows you to get to know people like no other circumstance ever will
  • We have an amazing history in this country
  • As much as I didn't want to tour the capitol when we were first asked, it was probably my favorite part of that day
  • You really have to trust Mr. Robbin to go on this trip (ie: "Where were you guys yesterday?" "Umm...we really don't know." "Oh, well, where are you going tomorrow?" "Umm...we really don't know.")
  • Group three--you're the best! If it wasn't for chapstick and pictures and things like breath mints (and porta-potty breaks), this trip would have been a lot less interesting.
  • Goofing off with Rachel (practicing for her wedding with Chad) makes biking go by a lot faster (long live the sisterhood of the traveling napkin!)
  • Janelle's icebreaker question makes for some interesting conversations
  • Seven hours in a Penske truck go by a lot faster when Daniel and I talk non-stop (thanks Daniel!)
  • Jake is one of the funniest people I know
  • Seven or eight flat tires in one day allows you to get changing them down to a science (as I'm sure David could attest)
  • Paul and Daniel don't understand that when I have to pee really bad, it is not funny to tickle me, other times, however, I'm sure it's quite amusing
  • Melinda gives really good back massages
  • "Up up up up up up!" Enough said.
  • Janelle and Nicole's "reading out loud" gives ample time for conversation
  • And last but not least, I don't think any of us will ever understand why they called it Happy Hill

Well, I'll post some pictures tomorrow. I'm tired and this post is long enough as it is. Goodnight all!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Hello Again!

Well, I'm back from the bike trip, but I still haven't really caught up on sleep, so this will have to be short. It was an awesome trip. Way different from all other bike trips, but still awesome. I will put up pictures when I get my pic card back from Mr. Jim (the most awesome chaperone on the planet!). So, it was a great trip even though I was pretty tired because of lack of sleep and "short" biking days. The nose game got kind of old, people got on my nerves, and we spent a little too much time sightseeing, but the good outweighed the bad. Shout-out to group three: we were definitely the best! And a shout-out to my other awesome friends who made the trip what it was. And just a tip for all you out there reading this: when you are driving and you have to pee REALLY BAD, don't sit by Paul and Daniel, they think it's funny to tickle you.
I am enjoying having days where I can do absolutely nothing and not feel bad about it. Summer, how I love thee.
Calyn is gone. Sadness abounds. Although, I will see her before most everyone else, I miss her so much already. I don't know if I can make it to July 13th. On the upside, I get to take care of her zen garden while she is gone.
So ends my update. More details about the bike trip later I guess. For now, sleep!